Know your skin

Know Your skin

Ineffective Home Remedies For Acne That You Need To Avoid


When it comes to treating acne, there is a vast pool of information out there with untrustworthy remedies. It is difficult to differentiate between the ones that work and the ones that don’t. But all these unwarranted inputs about different remedies for pimples can be overwhelming to people who actually suffer from breakouts. 

If you have sensitive and acne-prone skin, you may be familiar with the feeling of being extremely cautious before trying any random remedy for pimples. However, if nothing seems to have worked so far, sometimes you may be tempted to adopt unknowingly harmful options and use unreviewed ‘remedies’ for the sake of a clearer or acne-free skin. 

So, let’s dissect some common habits and remedies for pimples that may actually aggravate your acne problem or worse and in some cases permanently damage your skin in the long run. Read on to find out more about why you must avoid these things at all cost.

1.Switching between acne treatment and products frequently

This is at the top of the list, because let’s be honest – we’ve all been guilty of hopping from one product to another if we don’t see instant results. Any product takes time to show results and switching between products frequently can damage your skin 

The recommended time frame in which you start noticing visible changes is considered to be somewhere around 6 to 8 weeks. Your skin is sensitive and it often needs time to get used to a new product. However, in extreme cases, if something instantly irritates your skin, you should stop using it.

2.Spot treating with toothpaste and other random hacks

When it comes to quick acne hacks, always be wary of the information shared on social media. Especially if it’s a beauty trend that goes viral out of nowhere, we suggest doing a patch test before adopting the routine or remedy for your skin by mixing random household ingredients.

Popular hacks often promise to make acne disappear overnight with different ingredients like apple cider vinegar, honey, cinnamon, green tea bags, crushed aspirin, lemon juice, baking soda, and toothpaste, etc.

You’ll be doing your skin a huge favour by avoiding these as they all possess the risk of making your skin worse and irritating it further.

3.Using comedogenic products

Whenever you use makeup and skin care products, you must always check for ingredients that don’t clog up pores or cause a build-up of excess oil.

A good practice is to check if the product has been labelled as non-comedogenic, meaning it doesn’t consist of ingredients that can clog pores. As non-comedogenic products don’t clog your pores, they are safer to use to avoid breakouts.

4.Sharing items like towels, makeup brushes, and other such products

Getting ready to go out with friends is fun, but sharing products like lipstick, mascara, brushes and blenders, and basically anything that comes in direct contact with your skin is no bueno! 

While acne isn’t contagious, these products can carry and transfer a lot of bacteria from someone else’s skin onto yours. This may in turn lead to rashes or acne, especially if you have sensitive skin.

5.Neglect cleansing your face for long

Even if you follow the advice mentioned above and buy the best quality products, they can still lead to breakouts if not cleaned thoroughly afterwards. So, you better not ditch the essential step of every effective skincare routine, aka, washing your face with a good face wash.

If you’re looking for a face wash that clears your skin of piled up dirt while keeping acne at bay, AcneStar is the product you ought to try. Wash your face when you wake up and before going to bed to keep bacteria and dirt from building up on your skin.

While these are some of the most common mistakes people make when trying to tackle acne, other habits like scrubbing your skin too harshly or popping and squeezing pimples can also cause permanent damage to your skin. 

The bottom line is that you need to learn to be gentle with your skin. Using harsher products does not equal flawless skin. Acne takes time and patience to fade and heal, so choose products that are gentle on your skin instead of untested remedies that may cause more harm than good.



Categories: ACNE

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