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Know Your skin

5 Mistakes Made while Choosing A Face Wash

5 Mistakes Made while Choosing A Face Wash

No matter which treatment or facial you opt for, it always begins with cleaning the skin. Ever wondered, why?

For the very basic reason that our facial skin comes in contact with all sorts of gross things like dirt, bacteria, dead skin, oil (sebum), etc., that forms a coating on the surface. If not cleaned properly every day, it can lead to many skin problems, especially acne. At times like this, what you need is the best face wash that suits your skin and can help you get rid of acne, keeping your skin clean.

Let’s take a look at the 5 common mistakes made while buying a face wash, and how to avoid them:

Not knowing your skin type

Perhaps the most common mistake that we make is to use a face wash, which is not meant for our skin type. Oily skin needs a face wash for acne or to remove extra oil, dry skin needs a moisture rich facewash, combination & normal skin needs a normal face wash, and sensitive skin needs a mild face wash.

Type of facewash

The market is full of different types of face washes, each serving a different purpose. Acne face wash is ideal for acne prone skin, exfoliating face wash is for deep cleansing, anti-aging face wash is perfect for sensitive skin, and cream cleansers work well for dry skin.

Not trying a sample face wash

We all love a deal, but when it comes to beauty products it is necessary to try a sample for 3-4 times before actually using it every day. Pick a smaller bottle or a sachet and use it a couple of times to make sure that it is meant for your skin.

Changing face wash every month

We all get bored of seeing the same things every day. But, changing face wash every month, even when it is suiting your skin type is not a good idea. A new product can hamper the healing process done by the previous face wash, such as removing acne scars.

Not changing face wash as per the season

Just like it is not a good idea to change face wash every month; it is important to change it when the weather changes. Winters need a face wash that nourishes the skin, while the monsoon demands one that balances the oil.

Now that you know the common mistakes, it is also crucial to know how to wash face in the right manner. Always ensure that your hands are clean and you use lukewarm water to cleanse your face skin.

Categories: ACNE

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